Shop Safely And Securely takes great pride in providing a safe and secure online shopping experience.

We understand that the security of your personal information is extremely important to you. We use a variety of electronic and physical security measures and equipment to protect your personal data and credit card information from unauthorized access. These include using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol with an encryption key length of 128 bits (the highest level commercially available).

Our primary payment provider is PayPal: Before you register or log in to the PayPal website, our servers check that you are using an approved browser - one that uses SSL 3.0 or higher. PayPal servers are located behind electronic firewalls and are not directly connected to the Internet, so your private information is only available to authorized computers.

PayPal Verified Membership

We protect your personal information
bopcal respects and protects your privacy. We will never rent or sell your personal information to anyone.

Free shipping and global product warranty
100% free shipping worldwide on most products. Customers also benefit from an extensive product warranty when purchasing products from bopcal, giving them complete peace of mind.

Thank you for shopping with confidence!